Clean sailing does not mean slow sailing! On the contrary!
This was proofed by the Cannonball participants 2011.
18 crews have rounded Palagruža separating garbage last year.
4 of the 6 podium places went to clean Cannonballers!
Since last year the message to the sailing community has not changed:
“What we can do during a Round Palagruza Cannonball,
can be done on any cruising yacht, in any weather, any day.”
Clean Going Crews please announce their participation either to the organizer or directly to
This is a voluntary initiative by sail attack and Living-Ocean, more infomation in the pdf here
As the Round Palagruza Cannonball is well known for their innovations, we will be the first Austrian sailing regatta in the Adriatic Sea taking care about environmental requirements recommanded by the Austrian sailing federation.
Excerpt of the RPC sailing instructions:
• It is prohibited to throw any garbage into the water during, before or after the race.
This concerns mainly glas, metal, plastic waste and cigarettes.
Boats who break this rule can be protested by the race commitee or the jury and get punished under rule 69 (Allegations of Gross Misconduct) of the RRS.