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"Shipshape – Seashape" at the Round Palagruža Cannonball

The race for those who really love the sea:

Solid seamanship in challenging conditions earned competitors in the first three Round Palagruza Cannonball editions wide acclaim.
True, Cannonball competitors are as capable in boathandling, speed and tactics as any raceboat sailor.
But the quality that makes them stand out as a truly special breed is their deep, unyielding love for the sea.
Without this love, trashing a boat through day and night and rain and shine to a lonely rock in the middle of nowhere and back just would not make sense.
Yes, we are deeply in love with our Great Green Mother. And this year, it shows:

Cannonballers go Clean:

Participating yachts will separate their waste and discard it eco-friendly!

Why? Because we have a message for the whole sailing community:

“What can be done during a Round Palagruža Cannonball, can be done on any cruising yacht, in any weather, any day.”

We all want a clean and healthy environment to sail in, and provided everybody makes the necessary contributions, we can have it - and enjoy it.

We have a message for our host countries as well:

“Clean waters and shores are important to us.
We make our contribution. And we appreciate yours.
Thank you for your hospitality!“

This is a voluntary initiative!
16 Crews already announced that they Go Clean)

Further Info download here