(Translation by Google)
The TEAM ASS sailing on the boat Daiquiri 42 enjoys excellent health, the day started very sunny at 18 degrees Bavarian blue sky, improving water temperature to 15 ° towards the current position of spot 7. To strengthen the team served the "ASS Haute Cuisine" today the following:
As an aperitif, a Croatian-residue is served, here are the menu sequence
Iced Karlovacko soup
Spaghetti à la Aiolo
Tomato garlic mousse
At Nudelteigfädchen
Croatian pork in natural casing
Roasted on Teigleinen
Fried Banana & Apple
to two kinds of fruit sauces levels
with low calorie whipped cream
After the aperitif, the beloved Croatian beer brew served
SAFETY ON THE TEAM We need this power and the engine with the prior
Start code-compliant notice.
All participants a sunny Sailingtag, the stark contrast to RPC 2011
There are at least something decent to eat!
Hans, thanks for the live bodies of me in Facebook with a link to the track!
Best wishes from ALL
CEO Kitchen ASS Haute Cuisine
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